Friday, February 17, 2006

Sorry Now or Later?

Alberto Gonzales, Jack Abramoff, and dirty money, murder, hardball. Man, oh, Man. This is gonna get nasty.

Yesterday, 31 Senate Dems asked Gonzales to step aside from the investigation. (more here) We think he should. Alberto, however, chose to basically blow off their request.

the Dems are walking a pretty tight line on this one...Abramoff clearly favored the GOP in terms of his brand of loosy-goosey lobbying, but the Dems could set a trap for themselves here if they're not careful.

The RNC says, ""Considering 28 of the 31 Democrats have received Abramoff-affiliated funds themselves, it appears their hypocrisy has exceeded even their partisanship". Not sure about the accuracy of this statement, but it doesn't bode well for the Dems if ANY of it is true.

Someone's gonna be sorry - it's either now or later.