Wednesday, February 22, 2006

PortGate Gone Bananas

This just in from the way-right via Daily Pundit, and, ya know what, we agree. James Lileks says, " Because it feels immediately, instinctively wrong to nearly every American, and that isn’t something that can be argued away with charts or glossy brochures. It just doesn’t sit well. Period."(more here) Also from Instapundit (here).

Did you hear that GWB was "unaware of the port deal before approval? (Yahoo here). So how safe are we really, if our Commander in Chief is unaware of the goings-on at our ports?

Seems like the decision-making at the WH has gone bananas - the Quail Mail incident gone awry, now we have two un-treated alcoholics running things? Yikes. Just boozin' it up and running amuck? Kinda like to errant teenage boys, no?

Well, DEMS, if you can't make hay out of this one you don't deserve the WH. And to the GOP, kinda troubling, isn't it? You raise all that money for re-election and it's the guys at the top that muck it up for you.