Wednesday, February 22, 2006


GWB! Dude, get a clue! Ok, he's the prez and all but has he gone dingy? Is Bush drinking again? From the WaPo "I want those who are questioning it to step up and explain why all of a sudden a Middle Eastern company is held to a different standard than a [British] company," Bush told reporters. (more here)

Well, for starters the British LIKE us and most Middle Easterners DON'T LIKE us. Does the word jihad ring any bells?

We've already pointed out the other odd facts about this: John Snow's financial ties, Michael Chertoff (does this guy give you a feeling of security?) , conflicting incentives, etc. Hope the GOP gets nervous enough to get really tough here. (more here) Guys, you don't want the DEMS trumping you on security now, do you? To the DEMS, will this be another lost opportunity? To the American people, keep up the pressure and get the elected officials on both sides to do the right thing.