Tuesday, February 21, 2006

PortGate = Strange Bedfellows

Who's (About to Be) Sorry Now?
Fact: The Port of Baltimore is 300 Years Old this Year

We don't like the extreme fringes of either side of anything - especially toxic American "bluestate/redstate" politics. It's way too messy and loud.

However, there is proof that PortGate has indeed produced strange bedfellows. Only on Post An Apology will you find C&L and Malkin on the same post!

We're linking to Michelle Malkin's "How the Port Sellout Was Financed" (
here) because Michelle has an interesting take on the money and the UAE stock exchange angle. (BTW, our manners expert says that it's ok to disagree 99% of the time and agree 1% of the time and do so in a civil manner, so there).

And to John Amato at Crooksandliars who absolutely always gets the best info first - The Bush VETO Threat. (

Chances are it does come down to the old "Follow the Money". For the GOP who are running in '06 it comes down to "Get Elected No Matter What". And for the rest of us, well, we don't want to be sorry we didn't pay close enough attention to help influence the right outcome. We've been ranting about this since the 16th. Come to think of it
, you'd wonder if the Cheney madness was hyped up to divert us from PortGate? - a story that could affect us more than Cheney in the long run.... hmmmm