Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Don't Mess With George Clooney

Who's Sorry Now? Who knows.....

But don't mess with George, that's for sure. As in who's a bigger star? Puhleeze.

Arriana disputes George's statement (here) and Jane Hamsher backs her up (here). From George's "people": "...What he didn't give permission for was the use of his quotes without source attributions to make it appear that he wrote a blog for her site. Which he did not." (LAT here)

Latest from the LAT today: UPDATE No. 3- 11:34 AM PST: Ken Sunshine's office has emailed The Envelope to say that the Clooney blog is being removed from Huffington Post. But Arianna's defense does not impress Clooney rep Stan Rosenfield much: "I read (Arianna's) response. This wasn't a misunderstanding. It was misrepresentation."