Sunday, March 5, 2006

National Secrets:Worldview

Who's Sorry Now?

So the headline reads White House acts to stem media leaks. "At Langley, the CIA's security office has been conducting numerous interviews and polygraph examinations of government employees in an effort to discover whether any of them have had unauthorized contacts with reporters. " (Xinhau here) (What is the definition of an unauthorized contact with a reporter? Could that be open to interpretation?) Does this feel heavy handed to you?

Okay; this is taken from the WaPo article (here) in today's paper. But do you notice the paper we link to? Xinhau, China View. Do you see how odd this is? To see this headlining news in China? Yeah, yeah, we know it's a global world. And this is a news feed. So the story itself is concerning, but equally concerning is the changing worldview of America.

Didn't this used to be the other way around? That countries like China were stifling free speech, and keeping secrets, and clamping down on those who leaked arguably important news the rest of the populous might need to know? Think about this and what it means as in the drip, drip, drip of the changing perception of the American "brand", i.e. what we stand for, and how the world perceives us. Please comment.