Who's Sorry Now?
Wake up, America!
Check this out. Faker Chalabi, the idiot who dished out phony intelligence on Iraq is back on the payroll. What?!?! We love love love RAW STORY and the work they do. Here's an excerpt from Larisa Alexandrovna's piece today:
"According to two former high level counterintelligence officials, one former senior counterterrorist official and another intelligence officer, Chalabi is acting as broker between the US Ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, and Iranian officials in what are now stalled diplomatic efforts between the US and Iran."
All Americans! Forget immigration and the stupid war about the language an anthem is sung in. Bush & Co is about to take us off a cliff again. Focus, people. Make some noise about this one. Chalabi is about as trustworthy as Abramoff, for chrissakes.