Who's Hopping Mad?
The NRA, that's who.
Before we talk about what they're talking about we have a question for them: WHAT DOES THE NRA THINK OF DOMESTIC SPYING? Don't think that the gun sales records - electronic, voice, whatever, are going un-scruntinized. And has the NSA been listening in on gun owners? We think the answer is a big, fat YES.
Now, wouldn't that be a fine partnership: The NRA and the LIBS! They both don't want the government listening in unwanted, and unwarranted! Kinda like our posting of Rush and the ACLU. Verrrrry interesting, indeed.
From ABC:
"ABC News has learned that the powerful gun group will launch a new campaign on Thursday when it convenes its annual convention in Milwaukee and demand that police chiefs and mayors pledge to never confiscate weapons from law-abiding citizens in the wake of disasters such as hurricanes or terrorist attacks."