Who's Sorry Now?
A better question might be "Are theDems Born To Lose?" Jeez. What a nightmare.
Every Democrat who heard Francine Busby's stupid comment about "You don't need papers to vote" - has got to be cringing right now, and every Republican is jumping with joy. Sad but true.
You all realize, right, that she HANDED the election to a basic nobody by making that stupid statement. Whatever, she tried to "fix it" but we've got news for you...you can't fix a fatal flaw like that. And this gives the GOP and all Republicans all the confidence in the world to take November.
The cautionary tale is this....1) know that in today's world the tape is rolling. ALWAYS. Just make that asumption. 2) there is NO slam dunk issue, i.e. corruption. Why is it that the Dems seem to fail at getting the mood of the people...immigration, right or wrong, is on everyone's lips and when Busby made that fateful statement the game was over.
How do the Dems recover? Hate to say it, but Kos probablly has some of the best advice from Time Magazine:
A better question might be "Are theDems Born To Lose?" Jeez. What a nightmare.
Every Democrat who heard Francine Busby's stupid comment about "You don't need papers to vote" - has got to be cringing right now, and every Republican is jumping with joy. Sad but true.
You all realize, right, that she HANDED the election to a basic nobody by making that stupid statement. Whatever, she tried to "fix it" but we've got news for you...you can't fix a fatal flaw like that. And this gives the GOP and all Republicans all the confidence in the world to take November.
The cautionary tale is this....1) know that in today's world the tape is rolling. ALWAYS. Just make that asumption. 2) there is NO slam dunk issue, i.e. corruption. Why is it that the Dems seem to fail at getting the mood of the people...immigration, right or wrong, is on everyone's lips and when Busby made that fateful statement the game was over.
How do the Dems recover? Hate to say it, but Kos probablly has some of the best advice from Time Magazine:
"Moulitsas does know he has become the face of the netroots, though he insists that it's a position he has inherited only by default. The left lacks many telegenic spokespeople, he says. "It's the difference between the Fox News anchors — you know, blond, put-together — and our people. It's like, 'You know, lady, put on a bra. Would it kill you to put on a bra?'" Moulistas is sponsoring a media training session at Yearly Kos; one can only hope that Maidenform is on the agenda."