Who IS apologizing, who SHOULD BE apologizing, who doesn't have a CLUE:
Australian Professor lodges complaints alleging political ...Blogger News Network - USA... Almost immediately, Macquarie University was subjected to intense political pressure from ... were “repugnant” to her, offering a series of apologies on behalf ...
From Anchor to AnachronismTelevision Week - Detroit,MI,USA... dragging ourselves through hurricanes, war zones, prisons and political battles: He ... Apologies: Last week's column included a reference to "Good Morning America ...
Ozzie Guillen latest outburst has gay community inflamedGambling911.com - Miami,FL,USA... the real issue, athletes for years have managed to somehow appease people by offering a post-screw-up statement that kind of sounds like an apology but isn't ...
Jesse Kornbluth: Brooks 1, Kos 0: Markos, Speak Up!Yahoo! News - USA... 2) THE MESSENGER ASSASSIN: "Drop it - better yet, DELETE IT, spend some time thinking about this, then post a humble and gracious apology.". ...
Ashley Cole wins apology for sex slurGuardian Unlimited - UKThe England footballer Ashley Cole and a radio DJ have received an apology and damages from the News of the World over articles published this year wrongly ...