See who IS apologizing now:
US forces release Sunni leader in Iraq, apologizeReuters - USATIKRIT, Iraq (Reuters) - US forces apologized to a senior Sunni Arab religious leader and his two sons after arresting them in a raid on the family's home they ...
Mayor, councilman say comments need no apologyPress-Enterprise (subscription) - Riverside,CA,USA... Vaughn-Blakely was watching the June 13 meeting and that night shot off an e-mail to the mayor and Adams saying they owed the people of La Sierra an apology. ...
Who Says There's No Ex In Friendship?Washington Post - United States... "But an effective apology can have a huge impact. It can transform the situation.". Even a post-divorce relationship brimming with milky kindness can have ...
Times Disclosures: One Dares Call It TreasonInvestor's Business Daily (subscription) - USA... "I will start with an apology," he said ... the Times, this time cooperating with unindicted co-conspirators at the Los Angles Times, Washington Post (of secret CIA ...
I almost missed this Krauthammer classic!AlterNet - San Francisco,CA,USAI don’t know what happened to my Washington Post on Friday. ... that little time-out if she had responded to the speaker's demand for an apology with something ...
Elections Board: Sheriff may have broken campaign lawJournal Times Online - Racine,WI,USA... Doug La Follette, candidate for Secretary of State, issued an apology last week after ... This fall will be the first time Carlson has sought election to the post.
TIME Magazine Archive Article -- "I'm Not Sorry" -- Jun. 25, 1956When the world's best professional and amateur golfers gathered at Rochester'sOak Hill Country Club last week for the 56th National Open, there was a hot ...