We're introducing a new feature that highlights "apologies around the world". We'll mostly focus on the US but sometimes there are very interesting apologies from other countries.
Boy's fake bid won streaker's bikini
Stuff.co.nz - Wellington,New Zealand
... In response, Ms Lewis faxed a written apology to The Dominion Post asking for forgiveness. She said it was never her intention to cause "turbulence". ...
Apologies in a frog suit
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (subscription) - Little Rock,AR,USA
Joseph Wilson-or Mr. Valerie Plame if you prefer-must have been sorely disappointed to learn that Karl Rove is not going to be “frog walked” out of the ...
- Hereford,Herefordshire,UK
... which included community groups, Muslim organisations and some political parties, issued a statement calling for a "full and unqualified apology" from the ...
Calgary Sun - Canada
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's apology for the Chinese head tax is a small step in the start of the healing process for those who suffered from the injustice ...
BETHLEHEM, Pa. The Northern branch of the Moravian Church has followed the lead of its Southern branch and apologized for its historic ...