Saturday, June 17, 2006

Tony Snow Apologizes

Who's Apologizing Now?

Tony Snow, the press secretary of the US. Doesn't it seem to you that he's getting a lot of "passess" on his gaffes? We think it shows you how "star struck" people really are...the ol "we hate the media" but want the media to love us.

Remember "hug a tar baby"? Well, now he can't tell two congresswomen apart, who happen to be African American....he's all kind of "cute" about it....whatever, dude.

"I apologize for being an idiot," Snow said Thursday during his daily briefing to the news media. "I misidentified Representative Sheila Jackson Lee as Cynthia McKinney." here

BTW, the demographics of the US say that the era of the white male is coming to a close soon....white women are not "making babies" (ask John Gibson) and so it goes...