Cleveland Plain Dealer - Cleveland,OH,USA... but two 19-year-old girls (another came forward in Wednesday's New York Post). ... In a published apology, editors and execs "now accept that their marriage is not ...
WJLA - Washington,DC,USAAnnapolis (AP) - Maryland Comptroller William Donald Schaefer says he won't apologize for comments that linked South Korean immigrants to North Korea's recent ...
Headbutt a reminder of age-old rule
Headbutt a reminder of age-old rule
Cochrane Times - Cochrane,Alberta,Canada... His willingness to admit he was wrong and apologize, especially his repeated apology to children, who look up to him as a hero. ...
APOLOGIES. I just discovered that I had neglected to approve several commentsthe last few ... Listed below are links to weblogs that reference APOLOGIES: ...
NYC and Fashion Apologies: We totally agree on the weird return to the powerworkin'-woman stuff - yuk! And what's happened to Marc Jacobs? ...
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
I owe an apology to all of the readers of Chartreuse. http://chartreuse.wordpress.comI'm sorry. ... Fashion Lesson #2 04:38. An interview with Bob Alenader ...
Kansas City Star - MO,USA... Steelman makes no apologies about her effort to draw attention to the office ... months may prove whether that added publicity pays off in political opportunity.
Former labour candidate avoids jail over 'scam'Stuff.co.nz
Former labour candidate avoids jail over 'scam'Stuff.co.nz
- Wellington,New Zealand... lawyer Nelson Tupou said Maka wanted to convey his sincere apologies and his ... It is unlikely he will participate in political activity again in his community.". ...
USA Today - USA... Bilbray makes no apologies. "The American people are sick and tired of political correctness standing in the way of not only common sense but common decency ...
Santa Fe New Mexican - Santa Fe,NM,USA... "Please accept our sincere apologies if you received an autodial late ... Some political operatives might not have a conscience, but apparently their machines do. ...
Establishment Hostility Toward Hostile Takeover
Establishment Hostility Toward Hostile Takeover
Huffington Post - New York,NY,USA... poll-tested mealy-mouthed rhetoric we get too much of in America's political debate ... who are looked down on by those elites, and I make no apologies for telling ...
National Journal - Washington,DC,USAAnd when you see the political meter start moving on that, that's when you may see that ... No photographs and later, no apologies" ("Lou Dobbs Tonight," 7/19). ...
St. Thomas Times-Journal - Canada... Dr. Sharon Baker is seeking a guarantee from provincial health minister George Smitherman the unit will not close and is requesting a public apology for his ...
Defendant made apology and was fined, banned
Defendant made apology and was fined, banned
Meath Chronicle - Navan,IrelandAN OLDCASTLE driver who apologised at Kells Court last week for drink-driving was fined s500 (endorsed) with two-year driving ban. ...
Dominican Today - Santo Domingo,Dominican RepublicTokyo.– Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi will issue an apology Friday to Japanese who emigrated to the Dominican Republic under a state-sponsored program in ...
Queerty - New York,NY,USA... He did issue a second-hand sort-of apology through a third party, but that isn't good enough for anyone, especially the Log Cabins, who refuse to accept it ...