Fiji Labour Senator dropped from nominees list wants apology from ...Radio New Zealand - Wellington,New Zealand... Mr Lesavua says Mr Chaudhry owes an apology for not nominating a member of his party to the senate and failure to apologise will result in a spill of ...
Journalism in an appalling statejournalism.co.za - Johannesburg,South Africa... Then I received a rare apology to the SABC from the South African National Editors’ Forum (Sanef) for, among other things, “prejudging the merits of (a ...
Hurricane expert asks chancellor to apologize2TheAdvocate - Baton Rouge,LA,USAVan Heerden said he wants Michael Ruffner, LSU vice chancellor for communications, to apologize for criticizing him in a letter to The New York Times last month ...
Parents apologize in court for killingHonolulu Advertiser - Honolulu,HI,USA"From the bottom of our hearts, we apologize," the father said yesterday. "We ask for forgiveness. We know my son's actions that night was unthinkable.". ...
Sharapova Refuses to Apologize for Screams Before Defeated ...MOSNEWS - RussiaRussian tennis star Maria Sharapova refused to apologize for screaming her way into a Wimbledon quarter-final, the Mirror reported Tuesday. ...
Apologies from The TribuneSouth Bend Tribune - South Bend,IN,USA... shown as we dealt with this frustrating situation. Please accept our apologies and our pledge to provide the best service possible.
Racing: Shock waves as six-times champion is accusedIndependent - London,England,UK... riding of Stuart Webster that he dragged him off his mount after the winning post at Beverley ... (A couple of years previously, he had received an apology from the ...
Musician Armand, just one in the Crowd.Brampton News - Brampton,Ontario,Canada... I post up flyers and such, but I just ask everyone for as much help as they can ... One such song is "My Apology" (Hear it on his website:www.myspace.com/armand). ...
Blogger Retractions - Let's Make It An "All Skate"Wizbang - Washington,DC,USA... interpretation of the story, and I've since added a link to Glenn's main post. ... The apology demand don't appear to apply to the 16 liberal bloggers who linked ...
What to the Slave is the Fourth of JulyThugLifeArmy.com - USA... I know that apologies of this sort are generally considered flat and unmeaning. ... It is the birthday of your National Independence, and of your political freedom ...
Batsmen should walk when they know they are outCricInfo.com - UK... So I make no apologies for trying to make ICC commercial. ... In a society where there is very little relief from political and economic pressures that is a ...
Resistance Mounts to US Trade OverturesWashington Post - United States... farmers new opportunities for shipping their products abroad--a political necessity, in ... And they make no apologies for seeking deeper cuts from countries such ...
Forget Big Brother, let's axe network newseBroadcast Australia - Melbourne,Victoria,AustraliaNo such apologies from rival Networks, Seven and Nine. ... all in the interest of bringing viewers the news: but if in doing so it kept up the political and moral ...
Farmers’ water fight gets physicalKRQE - Albuquerque,NM,USA... I believe he has turned this into a political matter. ... When all the arguing and fighting were over, some apologies were made, but feelings were already too hurt ...