Tuesday, August 1, 2006

ADL Accepts Mel's Apology

Boy, this one apology is getting a TON of mileage - at least in the press. Don't know if it's going to help Mel at all (probaglly not). But it's everywhere - on every channel - on every blog....blah blah blah. Now the stories are about "Do drunk people really speak the truth when in a blackout?" or something like that.

What-ev-uh. Dude, he bucks the "Hollywood system" (read JEWISH Hollywood system) to make the Passion. Then his father's background is discovered as everyone is trying to PROVE that Passion was "anti-Semetic". Mel actually handled that pretty well...it all died down. He raked in the Rightwing Christian bucks after marketing heavily into the big mega churches, appearing on PTL, etc.

Now....all bets are off. Was this the true Mel? Or the drunken, stupid Mel? Well, the ADL is ready to give him a teeny break:

The Anti-Defamation League Accepts Gibson's Latest Apology

The Anti-Defamation League is accepting Mel Gibson's latest apology. Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement:

This is the apology we had sought and requested. We are glad that Mel Gibson has finally owned up to the fact that he made anti-Semitic remarks, and his apology sounds sincere. We welcome his efforts to repair the damage he has caused, to reach out to the Jewish community, and to seek help. Once he completes his rehabilitation for alcohol abuse, we will be ready and willing to help him with his second rehabilitation to combat this disease of prejudice.