Thursday, August 10, 2006

Al-Qaeda Plot Ties?

TV-Newser says it best:
Terror Plot: Assuming An Al Qaeda Tie
" This morning, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the foiled plot is "suggestive of an al Qaeda plot."
I haven't seen any news agency definitively report a direct tie to the terrorist organization. But that hasn't stopped cable news from immediately assuming a connection. MSNBC's lower-thirds now read "Al Qaeda Plot Busted."
And at 9am, Fox News Channel ran a four-screen box with Heathrow in one corner, London in two corners, and "Al Qaeda video" in the fourth corner.The graphics sometimes mislead viewers while the anchor is accurate. As Gregg Jarrett said on FNC, "there are suggestions that Al-Qaeda may have been involved." Why can't we wait and find out before confusing viewers?..."