Thursday, August 10, 2006

Terror in the skys - again

Who's Sorry Now?
All travelers, globally, apparently.
Does it seem to you that the new crowd bottlenecks at the airports would become terror targets? Why wait until the plane is in the sky?
Anyway, the cynic in everyone says this: Official word is that it's "suggestive" of Al-Qaeda.
  1. Is Al-Qaeda getting tired of seeing Hezbollah take the headlines?
  2. Is it really Al-Qaeda or some "faux" terror plot to avert everyone's attention from BP oil disaster, humanatarian crisis in Lebanon, failure in Iraq, blah blah blah?
  3. Is it a global "crowd control" - put everyone in a constant terror state, cram them helpless in large airports as sitting ducks, with the military supposedly 'guarding' them?
Or is it truly 9-11 anniversary fears and jitters....Arab backlash against the west, Israel, etc? So hard to know anymore. Anyway, the pics at the airports continue to worry us...too many vulnerable people stuck for too long in one place.....