Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Nazi and Facism the new buzzwords

Isn't terror a "new" war with "no defined enemy"? Then why is the GOP using Nazi and Facism as the new buzzwords? Isn't that counter to what they say about this amorphous enemy, etc?

Turns out Americans want a face on the enemy. That's why Saadam was so attractive. Never mind that OBL (Osama bin Laden) is also an enemy with a face...they just can't seem to capture him.

We're pretty sure Karl Rove is behind this latest manipulation of your mind. So the focus groups must be telling the GOP that their "swing voters" in November are older. Are you that easily manipulated?

What's pretty scary is that the nutbags in Iran is playing the same game. He's calling Bush "Hitler" and Blair "Mussolini".

here: Charles Black, a longtime GOP consultant with close ties to both the first Bush administration and the current White House, said branding Islamic extremists as fascists is apt.

"It helps dramatize what we're up against. They are not just some ragtag terrorists. They are people with a plan to take over the world and eliminate everybody except them," Black said.

Stephen J. Wayne, a professor of government at Georgetown University, suggested White House strategists "probably had a focus group and they found the word `fascist.'

"Most people are against fascists of whatever form. By definition, fascists are bad. If you're going to demonize, you might as well use the toughest words you can," Wayne said.

After all, the hard-line Iranian newspaper Jomhuri Eskami did just that in an editorial last week blasting Bush's "Islamic fascism" phrase. It called Bush a "21st century Hitler" and British Prime Minister Tony Blair a "21st century Mussolini