Monday, October 2, 2006

Felons working at our ports - legally

Who's sorry now?

What a lame Congress. Hopefully, all Americans are hopping mad about this one. Remember the Dubai fallout - when the US wanted to GIVE CONTROL OF OUR PORTS to Dubai...hullo!

Well, now the do-nothing Congress has stripped out a provision in the Ports bill that prohibits felons from working on the ports. What are they thinking?!?

John Fund WSJ here:

"Ever since congressional pressure killed the deal that would have turned over management--but not operation--of some U.S. port terminals to a Dubai company with a clean law-enforcement record, everyone has known that port security is a hot-button issue with the public. Pollster David Winston reported to members of Congress this summer that of all the proposed measures they would consider this fall the public most supported "strengthening port security with background checks for port employees." Yet some of the same congressmen who whooped up public hysteria over the Dubai Ports deal decided to cave in when it came to cleaning up the waterfront of criminal elements."