Monday, October 2, 2006

North American Union

Who's in this new Union? Canada, US, Mexico, that's who.

Don't think it isn't happening and wasn't the plan of NAFTA all along. The money being sneaked into the budgets for the first "superhighway" is proof:

North American Union threat gets attention of congressmen
Resolution aimed at blocking merger, funding of 'NAFTA superhighways'

Posted: October 1, 2006
7:21 p.m. Eastern

© 2006

WASHINGTON – While several members of Congress have denied any knowledge of efforts to build "NAFTA superhighways" or move America closer to a union with Mexico and Canada, four members of the House have stepped up to sponsor a resolution opposing both initiatives.

Is it a bad idea? Maybe not. It builds strength for all 3 countries, elimitates pesky border issues, increases land and natural resources....what a deal.

We've been posting about this for's called the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership) and it's a-coming your way soon!