Monday, October 16, 2006

Hillary apologizes to McCain

Who's Apologizing Now?

Senator Hillary R. Clinton (D-NY) to Senator John McCain (R-AZ) for the comments her advisor made re Sen. McCain's time as a POW. Jeez, Hill, you'd better get control of your people NOW before they spin you and your chances out of control.

The adviser said Team Clinton thought McCain was doing the White House's dirty work by criticizing the Clintons and ended up "looking similar to the way he did on those captive tapes from Hanoi, where he recited the names of his crewmates." That was a reference to an unsubstantiated rumor used to tar McCain, a Vietnam war hero, as off-kilter during the 2000 GOP presidential primary. Aides to both senators said Clinton reached out to McCain to denounce the comments. Clinton is said to have a good relationship with McCain, and her circle clearly wasn't pleased with the remarks.