Friday, December 15, 2006

More Troops, More War

Get a clue.

George Bush does not now, nor has he EVER cared about his popularity polls. He is in a long-haul fight with his cronies for control of the largest oil reserves on the planet.
Forget all the 'vote-getting' born-again stuff; forget the old foggies who concocted the ISG; forget Rummy, Gates, the Generals. Forget the American and Iraqi people. The only thing that matters is getting that oil, period. More troops are going in to quell Baghdad so that the Oil Sharing Agreements can be finalized, and the pipelines, etc. can be built. All those contractors in Iraq? We'd even bet there may be extra bonuses for "anything oil related".

Shut Sadr up, shut the Iranians up, get the oil, get the money, get out. Polls? Call 1-800-WHOCARES.

ID During the past week, the Bush administration has given clear signs that it is preparing to increase the number of US troops in Iraq, as part of a bloody offensive against the Iraqi resistance. Such a move would be taken in direct opposition to the overwhelming and growing popular sentiment in the US against the Iraq war.

The political establishment, while uniformly supportive of continuing the Iraq occupation, is deeply divided over what actions are required to extricate itself from the current military and political debacle. The Iraq Study Group report, released last week, expressed the widespread view within US ruling circles that salvaging Washington’s position in Iraq and throughout the Middle East requires negotiations with Iran and Syria, together with a plan to reduce the presence of American combat troops in Iraq by 2008.