Tuesday, January 2, 2007

CNN Apologizes For "Where's Obama?"

Who's apologizing now?

CNN. What idiots. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Where's the quality control, guys? What, you've turned into FNC?

MB: Wolf Blitzer apologized for the "Where's Obama?" graphic during this morning's coverage of the Gerald Ford funeral, Raw Story says.

According to the transcript, Blitzer said: "I just want to make a correction, an apology, Soledad, for what we did yesterday. In 'The Situation Room,' we had a bad graphic. We were doing a piece on the hunt for Osama Bin Laden in this new year 2007. Unfortunately, instead of saying 'where is Osama,' it said 'where is Obama.' I'm going to be calling Senator Barack Obama to make a personal apology."