Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Guilliani's campaign strategy is out

Who's sorry now?

Rudy's ex-wife? Rudy's current wife? Rudy's investors? Hullo. Dude can't win, no matter how many millions are thrown at him, and, well, the "stolen", er lost, strategy proves it!

And, yoo hoo? AP Mindel said that while working on the 2006 campaign trail, a Giuliani aide lost a piece of luggage containing the paper. Who in their right mind puts this in their luggage? That gaffe alone should either prompt Rudy to hire new strategists or bow out gracefully now. Plus, as Wonkette points out, GOPer's (who are mean spirited, pinched faced prunes) won't take kindly to a twice-divorced opera-loving gay-roommate-having Manhattan dandies who like to perform show tunes in ladies’ underwear.