Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hannity loves bunny porn

Who's running b-rolls from the Bunny Ranch now?

None other than "holier-than-thou" media whore Sean Hannity. What an idiot. Doesn't he know he's being played by FNC to boost ratings? He's out there supposedly showing the depravity of certain Americans and lo and behold! he's the one who looks depraved! So FNC panders to it's aging white male audience on Viagra by showing their hero, smarmy Sean Hannity, with the hookers and whores at the Bunny Ranch in NV.

NYT Sometimes he showcases violence that has absolutely no redeeming journalistic value. A recent feature about an indoor dodge ball tournament focused on whether players aimed at opponents’ genitals, using a term that is too colloquial and vulgar to repeat here.

But the Bunny Ranch visit was the last straw. While Mr. Hannity, who attended Roman Catholic parochial school, interviews scantily clad prostitutes, ostensibly urging them to quit and go to law school, the camera slowly moves from prostitute to prostitute, lasciviously lingering over the one with the largest, most exposed breasts.