Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Saddam execution video arrests

And the beat goes now these poor souls are going to (literally) take a beating for the illicit video of the faux-Saddam execution video. And what is this circus sideshow intended to coverup? In other words, because we're focused on Saddam's execution video fiasco....what are we missing?

Hmmmmmm. Could it be that Bush is going to escalate the Iraq war?
(Remember Nixon "We're not bombing Laos"?) Why is he escalating? To protect the construction of the mega military bases and get to the oil. Why aren't we talking about this?

Because we're talking about cellphone video executions of the FAKE SADDAM.

AP National Security Adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie and two other top officials variously reported one to three men were being questioned in the investigation into who heckled Saddam as he was minutes from death and took cell phone pictures of his execution. "The investigation has already had an arrest warrant against one person and two to follow," al-Rubaie told CNN. He said the guard force at the execution was infiltrated by an Arab television station or another outsider.

And here's a shocker...did you know there's two other hangings to take place?

The second-guessing over the conduct of the execution came as Iraqi and Arab media and an Iraqi government official said preparations were under way to hang two of Saddam's co-defendants in the next few days but that the details still have to be worked out with the American military. A Cabinet official, speaking anonymously because of the sensitivity of the information, said the two men would hang "at the beginning of next week."