That is VP Dick Cheney, demanding that Senator John McCain apologize to former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Also commenting on the apology McCain supposedly made to him, the VP, and refusing to comment on the I'm Not Sorry stand of Hillary Clinton. Lots of apologies swirling about Mr. Cheney's head these days......
BTW, Cheney is conveniently out of the country while the Libby jury is deliberating....
Politico The vice president is on a week-long trip to Japan and Australia and gave a 10-minute interview to ABC’s Jonathan Karl aboard the USS Kitty Hawk, docked off the coast of Tokyo at Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan. Here is their exchange about McCain:
Karl: “You probably heard John McCain again come out and say that your friend Donald Rumsfeld is perhaps the worst secretary of defense ever. What do you make of that?" Cheney: “I just fundamentally disagree with John. John said some nasty things about me the other day, and then next time he saw me, ran over to me and apologized. Maybe he'll apologize to Rumsfeld.”...Karl: “I know we're just about out of time, but I wanted to clarify: Senator McCain had said that the problem with President Bush is he listened to you too much. So this is what he was apologizing to you for?”
Cheney: “Yes, yes.” Karl: “What did he say?” Cheney: “Well, he came up to me on the floor a couple of days later, the next time I was on the floor of the Senate, said he'd been quoted out of context, and then basically offered an apology which I was happy to accept.”