Ann Coulter Should Apologize for Crude RemarkNewsBlaze - Folsom,CA,USABy John W. Lillpop. "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into ...
Domenici: "I Regret Making That Call and I Apologize"TPMmuckraker - New York,NY,USAIn retrospect, I regret making that call and I apologize. However, at no time in that conversation or any other conversation with Mr. Iglesias did I ever ...
Ask Amy OOPS: Apologize for faux pas right awayWinston-Salem Journal (subscription) - Winston-Salem,NC,USAWhile I understand the humility it would have taken to step down and apologize, how should she have handled the situation? What would have been the polite ...
Japan PM: No More WWII Brothel ApologiesWashington Post - Washington,DC,USAAP. TOKYO -- Japan will not apologize again for its World War II military brothels, even if the US Congress passes a resolution demanding it to do so, ...
Why does the state place such a high price on public apologies?Sunday Herald - Glasgow,Scotland,UK
For one thing, because the state, wherever it manifests itself, puts a high price on apologies. Last month, while in New York, the Wales and Northern ...
Abe to stand by sex slaves apology, claims adviserThe Standard - Hong KongJapanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will stand by Tokyo's apology for forcing Asian women to have sex with Japanese troops decades ago, an aide said Sunday, ...
Adair: Apology not acceptedMetroWest Daily News - Framingham,MA,USABy Jeff Adair/News staff columnist. It took Gov. Deval Patrick about five days. The pressure grew, the light went on in his head, and he decided to pay out ...
ARROYO REGIME-US IMPERIALISM UNDER FIREBay Area Indymedia - San Francisco,CA,USAApologies have been offered by bureaucrats expert in skulduggery. While Arroyo’s generals and her Cabinet Oversight Committee on Internal Security explain ...
The ‘internati’ – and who should be ashamedMalta Independent Online - MaltaI am not after apologies or monuments. Both would be welcome, but neither would be relevant or sufficient. I would gladly settle for truth and justice ...
I want to apologize to DiggI want to apologize to Digg for what others in my industry have done to the site.
Domenici: "I Regret Making That Call and I Apologize"TPMmuckraker - New York,NY,USAIn retrospect, I regret making that call and I apologize. However, at no time in that conversation or any other conversation with Mr. Iglesias did I ever ...
Ask Amy OOPS: Apologize for faux pas right awayWinston-Salem Journal (subscription) - Winston-Salem,NC,USAWhile I understand the humility it would have taken to step down and apologize, how should she have handled the situation? What would have been the polite ...
Japan PM: No More WWII Brothel ApologiesWashington Post - Washington,DC,USAAP. TOKYO -- Japan will not apologize again for its World War II military brothels, even if the US Congress passes a resolution demanding it to do so, ...
Why does the state place such a high price on public apologies?Sunday Herald - Glasgow,Scotland,UK
For one thing, because the state, wherever it manifests itself, puts a high price on apologies. Last month, while in New York, the Wales and Northern ...
Abe to stand by sex slaves apology, claims adviserThe Standard - Hong KongJapanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will stand by Tokyo's apology for forcing Asian women to have sex with Japanese troops decades ago, an aide said Sunday, ...
Adair: Apology not acceptedMetroWest Daily News - Framingham,MA,USABy Jeff Adair/News staff columnist. It took Gov. Deval Patrick about five days. The pressure grew, the light went on in his head, and he decided to pay out ...
ARROYO REGIME-US IMPERIALISM UNDER FIREBay Area Indymedia - San Francisco,CA,USAApologies have been offered by bureaucrats expert in skulduggery. While Arroyo’s generals and her Cabinet Oversight Committee on Internal Security explain ...
The ‘internati’ – and who should be ashamedMalta Independent Online - MaltaI am not after apologies or monuments. Both would be welcome, but neither would be relevant or sufficient. I would gladly settle for truth and justice ...
I want to apologize to DiggI want to apologize to Digg for what others in my industry have done to the site.