Thursday, February 16, 2006

Get Your Apologies On

Let's get back to news we missed:
  • Get a Clue! Arab takeover of U.S. ports seen as security 'insanity' more here. Let's get this straight...the Katrina response was - ah - lacking because DHS was focused on "terrorism" (the new catch phrase the politicians use to avoid your questioning them). So citizens of the US are homeless (hello) because of re-directed focus. Sounds good, right. Wrong. Get a clue! We're about to outsource the operation of our key ports to people who potentially hate us. "There are several 9-11 connections to the United Arab Emirates. Many of the hijackers entered the U.S. via UAE, much of the attack's planning was done there, and the FBI says money for the operation was transferred to the hijackers primarily through the UAE's banking system." Hmmmm, is there more to this story than we know? Anyone?
  • No apologies here. Ann Coulter voting in the wrong precinct more here "She may be smart enough to earn millions from her acidic political barbs, but when it comes to something as simple as voting in her tiny hometown, hard-core conservative pundit Ann Coulter is a tad confused." 'Nuff said.
  • Someone should be apologizing here and probably will be soon. Are Tom and Katie spiltsville (just kidding - who cares?) more here. So today America's Most Suspicous Couple (thanks for the new handle, Defamer) shows up at a memorial service and they look, well, uneasy with each other...and, well, this story ain't over yet, folks, so stay tuned.
  • No apologies, no worries. Bode Miller disqualified (well, at least he admits it when he's drunk) more here He's totally cool and he'll be back.
  • Well, we know someone's gonna be real sorry here but apologies? Nah. And, of course, we can't wait to do our Gangsta Wannabe Abramoff Story. Money, Mobsters, Murder The sordid tale of a GOP lobbyist's casino deal gone bad. (here) If you haven't read this yet, take time to do so...from the Weekly Standard's Matthew Continetti, one of the best articles to date on the underbelly of this whole mess. We're not kidding when we hint at sleeping with the fishes. That's exactly what Konstantinos "Gus" Boulis is doing. Read on.

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