Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word

How do we count the ways Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word (here) to say? In 2006, The Year of the Apology, it seems as though folks tend to say "I'm not sorry" more often than "I'm sorry".

Actually, we're chuckling at the argument that the press corps was jilted in the Cheney scoop and that's why everyone is "up in arms", (an apropos analogy). "Still, the Washington Post editorial board wants to know how it is that "the vice president of the United States can shoot and wound someone and the American public doesn't learn of it until 18 hours later".

We know why. "The party was drinking scotch all day and the veep was ripped, which is why they waited until the next day" is what our Texan insider tells us and we're stickin' to it. You decide if you think Dick was drunk.

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