Sunday, May 7, 2006

KKK and Immigration

Oh, great. Now the KKK is going to be the poster child for the Immigration debate? Sure glad to know that we can rest easy now.

This is how crazy the immigration fiasco has gotten. We've said over and over again...this is the WRONG issue for anyone to take on in this way. Do we need immigration reform? Yes. Do we need border enforcement? Yes. Where is the biggest violation today? The business community and the lobbyists who work for them.

BTW, the KKK doesn't foster much in the way of a sense of ease: A Ku Klux Klan anti-immigration rally Saturday in this northwest Alabama city drew a crowd of more than 300 supporters and counter protesters.No violence or arrests were reported during the hour and a half march and rally as about 30 police and sheriff's deputies watched.