Saturday, May 6, 2006
Tom DeLay Is A Liar
Who's Sorry Now?
Tom DeLay, Tom DeLay, Tom DeLay. What are you thinking? You lied about your ties to wannabe gangsta Abramoff, and you just loved the playing the big shot on those overseas trips, now, didn't you?
And now, it's the emails that'll kill these guys, just wait. We've shared countless times on Post An Apology about Online Oversharing and email DNA...guys, this stuff lives FOR EV UH!
Here: Prosecutors have e-mails showing Rep. Tom DeLay's office knew lobbyist Jack Abramoff had arranged the financing for the GOP leader's controversial European golfing trip in 2000 and was concerned "if someone starts asking questions." and here"Federal prosecutors have secured the cooperation of Abramoff and Rudy, and are investigating whether DeLay filed false public reports to disguise the source and size of political donations, travel and other gifts he received from special interests. Several witnesses have been questioned in recent months about the Scotland trip e-mails.