Friday, October 27, 2006

Could the Corker Ad Win Votes for FORD?

Who's (may be) sorry now?
Karl Rove, the entire GOP, and most GOP candidates.
Why? Because Rove has groomed a protege who's just proven he has the right stuff, which could turn into the wrong stuff.

That Corker/Ford ad with the white "hooker" asking Harold Ford to call her? Produced by Rove's clone, Scott Howell. What do you think of the ad? Is it working? Will Corker win? Or does it kind of make Ford look like a "player" in a good way? We know the GOP and righties are absolutely obsessed with sex....maybe GOP voters will secretly vote for Harold because they.... admire him? Hmmmmmm??????

(CBS/AP) A protégé of White House political guru Karl Rove produced the controversial Republican National Committee ad targeting Tennessee Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Harold Ford Jr., that some have called racist, CBS News has learned. The ad, in which a white woman with blonde hair and bare shoulders looks into the camera and whispers, "Harold, call me," and then winks, was produced by Scott Howell, the former political director for Rove's consulting firm in Texas.