Monday, January 22, 2007

Jury seated in Irving Lewis Libby's trial

Kiddie porn author and accused felony liar Irving Lewis Libby's jury is finally seated. (we refuse to call him Scooter).

We followed most of the events of last year regarding Libby, who is not only a kiddie porn author, but a master neo-con-artist and overall slimebag - who's mentor is sharp-shooter Dick Cheney.

We asked back then, and still believe, Bush may end up pardoning Libby, as we all shake our heads in disgust.

B A jury that includes four critics of the Bush administration's Iraq policies was seated Monday to try former White House aide "Scooter" Libby on charges of lying about what he told reporters about the wife of a prominent war opponent.

The jury of nine women and three men was seated after a nearly hour- long court session that was as silent as a professional chess match. Prosecutors and defense attorneys consulted in whispers, then handled papers to the clerk to exercise their 20 unexplained strikes of potential jurors.